08.15 Registration and Refreshments
09.00 Opening Remarks
09.05 Where are we in the hype cycle
What are current major industry challenges?
Is there enough investment?
Propulsion systems to be bullish about
Market opportunities in 2024/5
Moderator: Oscar Henderson, Revolution.Aero
Sergio Cecutta, SMG Consultancy
Lewis Cronin, Aerospace Technology Institute
Oscar Watkins, ICF
Siyi Hao, Roland Berger
09.45 A Guide to Early Commercial AAM Operations
Dave Stepanek, Bristow Group
10.05 Accessing a global market
Flying car vs eVTOL – guiding public perception
Forging partnerships at home and abroad
Launching in India and UAE
Nikhil Goel, Archer
10.25 Morning Coffee
10.50 Eye on the listed OEMs
What makes manufacturers stand out?
How important are cash runways?
How do investors and analysts view certification?
How important is it to be first?
Moderator: Alan Lim, Alton Aviation Consultancy
Adam Forsyth, Longspur Capital Limited
11.20 UK: Converting Ideas to industry leadership
Unlocking the Future Flight Action Plan
Restoring confidence in UK industry
How to compete with the US
Michael Cervenka, Vertical Aerospace
11.40 What is regional aviation
Creating new or competing with existing services
What is the total addressable market
what will drive adoption?
Moving people to a new transportation reality
Moderator: Shashank Nigam, Simpliflying
James Dorris, Odys Aviation
Tony Bishop, FLIMAX
Anton Lutz, FlyV
Seyed Mohseni, Arc Aerosystems
12.20 Lunch
13.40 Investing in the revolution
Are exit opportunities cooling?
Is there enough VC capital
Keeping investors engaged for multiple rounds
The LP market
Moderator: Yves Le Marquand, Revolution.Aero
Michael Lynch, Irelandia Investments
Brian Flynn, DiamondStream Partners
Kolin Schunck, Lufthansa Innovation Hub
14.00 Heart and soul of regional air mobility
Simon Newitt, Heart Aerospace
14.20 Selling advanced aircraft
Selling new aircraft
Do less parts mean less complexity?
Working out values: Batteries versus ICE
Moderator: Paul Briggs, Bird & Bird
Chris Wills, Cirium
Steve Varsano, The Jet Business
Jean-Marc Youkhana, Uplifting Aviation
Mikhali Alenkin, ArcosJet
15.00 AAM: making a splash or a gentle trickle
Scaling AAM manufacturing numbers
Do we look to car or helicopter manufacturing numbers?
what does this mean for predicted operating economics
Moderator: Shashank Nigam, Simpliflying
Yesh Premkumar, Supernal
Blain Newton, Beta Technologies
Rani Plaut, AIR
15.40 Afternoon Tea
16.05 Preventing aerial fender benders
How to maximise airspace and safety
Can simulating in rural areas prepare for urban environments
Integrating different aircraft types
Alex McCord, Skyports
Fabrice Kunzi, SkyGrid
Richard Ellis, NATS
Juliana Kiraly, EVE Air Mobility
16.45 Alice through AAM’s looking glass
Eviation’s love of electric
Making sure orders are meaningful
Carrying things or carrying people
Andre Stein, Eviation
17.05 Navigating the AAM Investment Winter
Finding the right investor fit
Challenges to closing rounds
Is there really enough capital?
Managing cash burn in development
Moderator: Jay Carmel, Renaissance Strategic Advisors
Alexandre Zaramela, Moya Aero
Nick Gunady, Aerovy
Katerina Barilov, Jump Aero
17.35 [email protected]
Brian Flynn, DiamondStream Partners
Kolin Schunck, Lufthansa Innovation Hub
18.00 Closing Remarks
18.00 Cocktail Reception