JetPack Aviation commits to 100% carbon neutral fuel



JetPack Aviation (JPA) has announced its commitment to using 100% carbon neutral fuel for its fleet of JetPacks and Speeder aircraft. It will do this through a supply agreement with energy startup Prometheus Fuels.

Prometheus has created the Titan Fuel Forge, which reclaims atmospheric carbon through a process that strips CO2 molecules from the air and “energizes” them into hydrocarbons which can be made into any type of fuel.

JPA Founder and CEO, David Mayman, said: “Along with the rapid advancement [in personal flight] comes increased responsibility for corporations to keep our planet clean, safe, and healthy for all its citizens.”

JetPack Aviation is currently in the advanced development phase of The Speeder, an eight-turbine heavy-lift VTOL. The Speeder is targeting the EMS and first responder segment. Early use cases also include urban and rural fire fighting.

Rob McGinnis, Prometheus Founder and CEO. “We want to enable human exploration, adventure, and achievement that doesn’t harm the planet, and powering JPA’s JetPack and Speeder with our zero net carbon fuels is the perfect embodiment of that goal.”