Embraer unveils new all-electric demonstrator aircraft



On Friday, August 16, Embraer unveiled photographs of its new fixed-wing, single-engine demonstrator aircraft. It will use 100% electric propulsion technology, unlike many of the hybrid-electric concepts out there.  

A press release from Embraer said: The aircraft’s electric motor and controller are being manufactured by WEG at the company’s headquarters in Jaraguá do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil, as part of the scientific and technological cooperation agreement for jointly development of electrification technologies.

The partnership between Embraer and WEG was formalised in May 2019. A small single-engine aircraft, based on the EMB-203 Ipanema, will be used as test bed, carrying out the initial evaluation of the electrification technology. While Parker Aerospace will be responsible for supplying the cooling system for the demonstrator aircraft.

Embraer has not released much information about the demonstrator. But, the Brazilian OEM’s urban air mobility (UAM) wing, EmbraerX, is one of the key players in the Uber Elevate operations. EmbraerX is also developing its air taxi concept – the DreamMaker – as an eVTOL.

According to Avionics International, WEG has teamed with Embraer on this air taxi project as well.