Horizon’s Cavorite prototype completes initial hover testing
Horizon Aircraft’s Cavorite X5 scale prototype has successfully completed initial hover testing today.
The firm now plans to move to transition flight testing in the first quarter of 2023 at the ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel located near Toronto, Ontario. The OEM’s patented concept allows the aircraft to fly 98% of its mission in a very low-drag configuration like a traditional aircraft. Flying most of the mission as a normal aircraft is safer, more efficient, and will be easier to certify than radical new eVTOL designs, according to the company.
Brandon Robinson, CEO, Horizon said: “This aircraft has exceeded expectations during initial hover testing. It is extremely stable, is capable of full hover at only 65% power, and has hovered with 20% of its fans purposely disabled in order to test system redundancy. This is a large-scale aircraft, with a 22-foot wingspan, over 15 feet in length, and capable of speeds over 175 mph. It continues to yield valuable data that is constantly improving our full-scale design.”
The full-scale aircraft will be powered by a hybrid electric system that can recharge the battery array in-flight while providing additional system redundancy.
Revolution.Aero spoke to Horizon Aircraft in August last year upon announcement of its re-privatisation. Acquired by Astro Aerospace in June, 2021, Astro agreed to sell 100% of Horizon’s equity in exchange for certain Astro public securities and a fraction of the ownership of the newly privatised firm.
Speaking at the time, Robinson said: “This transaction will allow Horizon Aircraft to accelerate development of our eVTOL in the private sector with access to more flexible funding mechanisms.”